Brandon Health Checks

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Presentation Details and Further Information

The Fountain of Health, made up of some of Canada’s leading health experts, offers you ways to promote brain health and resilience as you age. Created by the Fountain of Health Project, this video outlines 5 things you can do to age optimally. These actions are evidence based and are shown to promote brain health and protect you from dementia and depression.

It is important to:
1. Stay Socially Active
2. Change how you Think about Aging
3. Stay Physically Active
4. Take Care of your Mental Health and
5. Continue to Learn New Things.

Watch the video to learn more about setting goals in any of these areas, and how to maintain a Positive Outlook, which has been shown to be a key factor in longevity and healthy aging.

DID YOU KNOW? – Did you know that positive thinking plays an important role in healthy aging? Positive thinking is linked to lower risk of chronic disease and memory loss. Take time to notice what’s good in your life and make a gratitude list


Please click on the following links for more information: