About Us
Health Checks consists of community organizations, researchers, health professionals, governments and individuals who work to plan, develop, deliver and evaluate an event or platform to showcase health and wellness information, assessments, services, and activities in Brandon and surrounding area.

Our Mission
The purpose of Health Checks is to facilitate Aging in Place by providing an event or platform to showcase health and wellness information, services, and activities. Aging in Place is defined as:
“Having access to services and the health and social supports you need to live safely and independently in your home or your community for as long as you wish or are able.”

Our Vision
The focus of this community effort is to promote the well-being of older adults and strengthen their right to self-determination, respect, and dignity. Through a coordinated effort that reaffirms the rights of older adults, everyone involved will contribute to a society that is more caring, compassionate and affirming, one in which everyone can age to their full potential.

Our Values
Provide health and wellness information through an event
or platform that is free of charge and designed to be accessible.

Our Principles
We offer easy-to-access information to the public via an in-person event or other platforms that provides, Health and Wellness Screens, Speaker Sessions, Displays/Kiosks, Activities, and Demonstrations.