Local Supports
This is a collection of local supports – click on the logos to view more information about them.
If you know of a local health support that is not listed here, contact us to let us know!

Western Manitoba Regional Library
Provides public library service to the residents of Brandon, Carberry, Neepawa, Glenboro-South Cypress, North Cypress-Langford, and Grassland.

Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
The Museum is dedicated to the preservation of the history of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan and serves as a unique memorial to those airmen who trained and served, and especially those who died, while serving their country in the air war of 1939-1945.

Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba
The Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba is a community-engaged contemporary art gallery that celebrates artistic excellence and diversity within our region and beyond. They believe that art is an essential element of what defines community, culture, and nation. As such, they are committed to the artists and deep art history of this land as they collectively work to understand the complexities and wonders of our lives and circumstances in this shared community.

Presenters: Deidre Chisholm & Chris Cooper
Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba
The Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba supports approximately 2,000 stroke survivors each year through programs, support groups and resources.

Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba
The Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba, was established with a mandate to serve as a focal point for the conduct of research on aging. The Centre has developed a national and international reputation for excellence in research.

Please visit our other links and resources:
- Café Scientifique: (October 1 session)
- Age-Friendly University: http://umanitoba.ca/centres/aging/agefriendly/
- Speaker Series upcoming presentations: http://umanitoba.ca/centres/aging/events/383.html
- Save the date 38th Annual Spring Research Symposium: http://umanitoba.ca/centres/aging/events/384.html
- Research participant database: http://umanitoba.ca/centres/aging/involved/index.html
- Community COVID 19 resource pages: http://umanitoba.ca/centres/aging/coa_community.html
- Research publications: http://umanitoba.ca/centres/aging/pubs/624.html
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentreOnAging.umanitoba/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/UM_coaging
- Sign up to be on our mailing list: coaman@umanitoba.ca
Anxiety Disorder Association of Manitoba
The Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba aims to:
- offer self-help for all Manitobans affected by anxiety disorders
- provide Cognitive Behavioural Programs (CBP), and ongoing support groups for the prevention, education, early intervention and management of anxiety disorders to adults.
- provide resources for children, adolescents, adults, families, employers and health care professionals

Alzheimer Society of Manitoba
Founded over 35 years ago, the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba exists so that all Manitobans affected by dementia receive the help they need today and have hope for the future.
As a province-wide organization, the Society seeks to achieve its mission through community awareness; individual, family and professional education; support programs and research funding.
At the Alzheimer Society, we have a dream of what the future will look like for people with dementia and their families. We would like to share it with you.

Alzheimer’s Manitoba
2019 Understanding Dementia & Brain Health
- People with dementia and their care partners have a voice.
- People with dementia feel safe, accepted, respected and supported to thrive throughout their journey.
- Care partners have meaningful support when they need it.
- People with dementia and their care partners have the tools and resources to take their next steps with confidence.
- Manitobans actively engage with people with dementia and welcome them into all aspects of community life.
- Manitobans have increased awareness and understanding of brain health and strategies to help reduce the risk of developing dementia.
- Researchers provide help for people living with dementia today, and hope for a future world without dementia.
Manitoba Possible
Formerly known as: Society for Manitobans with Disabilities (SMD)
We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. That’s why we work together to eliminate barriers to full and equal participation. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community.
Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community.

An inclusive and accessible society
Working together to eliminate barriers to full and equal participation
Collaboration, Diversity and Innovation
Brandon University (BU)
Brandon University offers a wide range of degree programs including Arts, Education, Music, Health Studies, and Science. In addition, Brandon University provides opportunities for taking a variety of courses, attending public lectures, partaking in music events and performances, and participating in the Healthy Living Centre.

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
Hearing loss is the fastest growing, and one of the most prevalent, chronic conditions facing Canadians today.
- In 2012/2013, an estimated 4.6 million Canadians aged 20 to 79 (19%) had hearing loss that affected their ability to hear normal speech.
- One in five teenagers, aged 12 to 19 years, have some degree of hearing loss,
- Measured hearing loss rose sharply after age 40 to reach 65% at ages 70 to 79.

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, MB Chapter Slideshow
Manitoba Association of Optometrists
The Manitoba Association of Optometrists (MAO) is the regulatory and licensing body for the practice of optometry in Manitoba. We are responsible for enforcement of the provisions of The Optometry Act and Regulation. Every optometrist who works in Manitoba must be registered with MAO. We are also the professional association for Manitoba optometrists.
Our mission is to ensure the safe and ethical delivery of quality eye health and vision care through the regulation of optometry in Manitoba, and to promote excellence in the practice of optometry through advocacy and education.

Brandon Friendship Centre
A Bridge Between Two Cultures. A Friendship centre is an urban Aboriginal service delivery agency. It exists to meet the needs of people, either migrating to cities or living in them. It attempts to bridge a gap between two cultures, the non-urban and urban culture. Our Mission statement is “to provide programs and services to all people with an initial emphasis on Indigenous people”. About Us We are an urban Indigenous service delivery agency.

United Way of Brandon
Along with our partners, United Way of Brandon & District is working to address the most pressing needs, supporting our network in new and caring ways, ensuring everyone in our communities gets the help that they need. We know that many people could not, and cannot, afford to adequately prepare for how COVID-19 is affecting their family.

Legion: Brandon Branch #003
Our mission is to serve veterans and their dependents, promote remembrance and act in the service of Canada and its communities. Brandon Branch #003 Legion is proud to also have a blossoming membership of all Canadians who support the principles of The Legion. From darts, pool, shuffleboard to meat draws, you’ll find all the activities you love when you become a member.

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba (MDAM)
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba (MDAM) is a self-help organization dedicated to providing support, education, and advocacy to for those living with a mood disorder, co-occurring disorders or other mental health illnesses. We increase public awareness about mood disorders and empower people to develop hope and recovery.

We offer peer support. We are people who have lived and /or shared experience with mood disorders who support each other. One in five people will experience a mood disorder (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, trauma, postpartum, seasonal affective disorder) in their lifetime. MDAM is dedicated to offering support to individuals and their families. MDAM has been helping people help themselves for over 35 years.
Contact for provincial office in Winnipeg: 204-786-0987, toll free: 1-800-263-1460 , Contact for Brandon and Westman region: Send Email or call 204-721-2174
Brandon Seniors for Seniors
Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc.’s purpose is:
1) to provide recreational, social, safe and wellness programs to seniors and
2) to provide a forum for identifying and advocating issues concerning seniors.
We believe that actively participating in programs with likeminded individuals brings value, meaning and quality to an individual’s life, allowing them further independence, enjoyment and longevity.

Seniors for Seniors Slideshow Presentation
Manitoba Dental Association
Manitoba Dental Association is the legislative self-governing body for the profession of dentistry and dental assistants in Manitoba. “If it is in the best interest of the public then it is the best interest of the profession.”

TALC (Third Age Learning Cooperative)
TALC (Third Age Learning Cooperative) provides an opportunity for retired and semi-retired people in Brandon to learn together for the sheer joy of discovery. Although not in operation during this time of COVID-19, you can check out our website for countless links to bring ideas and entertainment into your home.

SERC (Sexuality Education Resource Centre)
Sexuality Education Resource Centre provides inclusive, non-judgmental education about sexuality. We believe that people have the right to accurate information on all their choices.
SERC Manitoba is a community-based, non-profit, pro-choice organization. We are dedicated to promoting sexual health through education.

Active Aging in Manitoba (AAIM)
Active Aging in Manitoba (AAIM) is a non-profit organization, dedicated to the promotion of active aging opportunities for all older Manitobans to enhance their health, mobility and continuing participation in their community. AAIM strives for the life-long engagement of older Manitobans in healthy choices that contrib¬ute to physical, social and mental wellness, independence and quality of life. AAIM promotes programs that enable older Manitobans to stay socially connected, participate in regular physical activity, eat healthy foods and reduce risk for falls and injury.

Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS)
TONS is a volunteer-driven network that aims to inform and educate Manitobans on transportation options that enhance the quality of life and promote age-friendly communities.

Presenter: Samanta Rodeck
Resource Centre for Manitobans who are Deaf-Blind
We exist to promote opportunities for independence, dignity and empowerment for adults in Manitoba who have become Deaf-Blind. We are committed to providing quality services that are consumer driven and responsive.

ECCOE (E-Quality Communication Centre of Excellence)
ECCOE (E-Quality Communication Centre of Excellence) provides ASL interpretation across MB for individuals who are Deaf and/or Deaf-Blind and include and not limited to:
- job interviews/staff meetings/workshops
- medical appointments/psychiatric/surgeries
- business meetings
- financial appointments
- police/legal/court
- emergency 24/7 including police, hospitals and crisis centres

ECCOE’s Purpose:
To promote and provide professional, independent interpreting/intervenor services of a high calibre, which meet the needs of consumers throughout Manitoba.
Westman Immigrant Services
Westman Immigrant Services is a not-for-profit registered charity that provides the following services and programs to immigrants and refugees in the Brandon and Westman area:
- Settlement Services
- Employment Assistance
- ESL Classes
- Family and Youth Programs
- Interpreters and Language Assistants
- Volunteer Services
- Settlement Workers in Schools
- Resettlement Assistance Program

Through funding from IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada), services are provided to permanent residents and refugees only.
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
AFM is a Crown agency that is committed to being a foundation of excellence in providing addictions services and supporting healthy behaviours. AFM employs over 400 staff and provides a wide range of addictions services to Manitobans through 28 locations across the province.

Victoria Lifeline
Victoria Lifeline has been helping Manitobans lead safe and independent lives for over thirty years. Our medical alert service provides subscribers with 24/7 access to help both inside the home and out. With state-of-the-art fall detection technology and GPS-enabled help buttons, individuals and their families feel more confident and secure knowing they can access emergency assistance whenever they need it. With innovative ageing in place solutions, Victoria Lifeline is a valuable support system for older adults and people living with chronic conditions. We provide service to over 350 Manitoba communities and are a not-for-profit service of the Victoria General Hospital Foundation with all proceeds dedicated to advancing healthcare.

A & O Support Services for Older Adults
A & O: Support Services for Older Adults Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that provides specialized services for older Manitobans. The goal of these programs is to empower and support older adults in the community. A & O’s core programs and services are organized under three foundational pillars: Social Engagement, Safety & Security and Counselling.

Social Engagement:
This pillar enables older Manitobans to remain independent and engaged in their communities. Programs included in this pillar include Senior Centre Without Walls, Connect Program and Senior Immigrant Settlement Services {SISS).
Safety & Security:
The agency provides innovative safety and security programs and services. Programs included are, Elder Abuse Prevention Services, Safe Suite Program, Older Victim Services, SafetyAid: Fall Prevention and This Full House.
Counselling Services:
The agency provides pertinent information about a wide range of counselling, support and community referral materials for older Manitobans. Services in this pillar include Counselling, Information & Referral, Intake, Housing and Legal Services.
Prairie Mountain Health (PMH)
Prairie Mountain Health is one of five regional health authorities in Manitoba. The region covers a large geographical area of about 67,000 square kilometres. The population of the health region was 170,899 (2018). Prairie Mountain Health’s vision is “Health and Wellness for All.”

Homecare Slideshow Presentation
Westman Hospice
A not-for-profit volunteer-based organization providing companion volunteer and bereavement services for persons at the end of life and their families. Services are provided at home or in institutional settings by trained volunteers.

All services are offered by trained volunteers. ALL services are FREE of charge. Our services include:
- Visiting in home and in facility
- Relief for spouse or caregiver
- Grief and Loss resource library
- Community education for
- Palliative care
- A listening ear
- Outings
Our Mission
The Mission of Westman Hospice Association is to enhance quality of life, promote dignity, provide support, and empower individuals and their families that are facing a life threatening illness.
Our Vision
We advocate for excellence in hospice care and education, and ensure access to quality end-of-life support.
Brain Injury Canada
The Manitoba Brain Injury Association is dedicated to providing education about brain injury and support for individuals and families living with the effects of brain injury, and for others who support these individuals. Brain Injury Canada (formerly The Brain Injury Association of Canada) was formed in 2002 after a groundswell of advocacy and national activity by local brain injury associations, survivors and caregivers across the country. All agreed that the movement needed a national voice and national facilitator to connect and support the movement across Canada.

The mission of Brain Injury Canada is to enhance the quality of life of individuals and families/caregivers living with brain injury in Canada.
All individuals and families/caregivers living with the effects of brain injury are supported, valued and engaged in their communities.
- Be accountable, transparent, equitable and responsible as financial stewards, charitable recipients and to preserve our charitable status.
- Demonstrate leadership through collaboration.
- Provide solutions through service, education, advocacy and research, which promote equal opportunity for brain injury stakeholders
Tops Club Inc.
TOPS stands for Taking Off Pounds Sensibly. Unlike some groups like Weight Watchers, there’s no points to count, diets to stick to or fads to follow. It’s about a group of women (and men) getting together every week to weigh in and have brief meetings meant to inform and motivate you for the week to come during your weight loss journey.

Diabetes Canada
Diabetes Canada is the nation’s most trusted provider of diabetes education, research, resources, and services. We’ve helped millions of Canadians affected by diabetes understand it, manage it, and combat complications since 1953. Our mission is to lead the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while working to find a cure.

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA)
CHHA Manitoba Chapter works with government departments, businesses, healthcare and educational organizations to promote and support access to services for people with hearing loss. Our work focuses on increasing awareness of hearing loss with the hard of hearing population as well as in both the public and private sectors, and advocacy on behalf of hard of hearing Manitobans.
The Manitoba Chapter is part of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, the only national voice for hard of hearing Canadians. There are many provincial chapters and branches throughout Canada.

Samaritan House Ministries
Samaritan House Ministries, Inc. is a collection of programs and supports to help the hungry, hurting and homeless to live and thrive in Brandon, Manitoba.

Counselling Centre for Hope, Healing and Encouragement
The Counselling Centre for Hope Healing and Encouragement Inc. provides professional therapeutic counselling for individuals, couples, families and groups in the Westman Region at affordable rates. Providing care in partnership with a number of Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), we offer many different counselling options.

The Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer.
At the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), our vision is a world where no one fears cancer. With the support of our volunteers and donors, we improve and save lives by taking a comprehensive approach to our work against more than 100 types of cancer. CCS funds research, provides services to those living with cancer, advocates on important cancer-related issues and educates and empowers people to make healthy choices.