YMCA LiveWell At Home Live – Education Sessions

Learning to Self-Manage Your Musculoskeletal Pain: Pacing Yourself
Presenter: Dr. Luciana Maacedo, Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University
There is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in older adults. Self-management is often recommended for persons with persisting musculoskeletal pain. In this presentation, we will discuss and teach you simple evidence-based strategies and skills to empower you and manage your own pain.
Can You Prevent Dementia?
6 Ways You Can Reduce Your Risk
Presenter: Dr. Anthony Levinson, M.D., M.A., M.SC., FRCPC Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioural Neuroscience, MacMaster University
Join Drs. Anthony Levinson and Richard Sztramko as they discuss how lifestyle choices, blood vessel health, other health conditions and drug side effects can impact your cognition. Discover how to enhance or extend your physical mobility and social activity in the future by actively promoting brain health and reducing your risk of developing dementia.
Physical Activity and The Canadian 24-Hour Guidelines
Presenters: Dr. Marla Beauchamp, PT, PhD, Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Stephanie Saunders, MA, PhD/Pt student, McMaster University
Cassandra D’Amore, PhD student, BSc Hons. Kinesiology, RMT
Ava Mehidpour, HBCs MSc., PhD student, McMaster University
“More is better than some and some is better than none: Taking a closer look at why and how we can incorporate physical activity every day”. Join the guest speakers, Dr. Marla Beauchamp, Ms. Stephanie Saunders, Mrs. Cassandra D’Amore and Ms. Ava Mehidpour, as they identify the Canadian 24hour guidelines, navigate different types of physical activity, with a focus on light physical activity, their benefits and how to begin to engage in physical activity and various resources.
Exercise and the Heart
Presenters: Jonathan Dubberley, Registered Kinesiologist, Hamilton Health Sciences
Heart Disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada. This presentation will outline the crucial role of exercise in helping to prevent heart disease and discuss how much exercise is optimal for heart health.