Other Resources
This is a collection of other resources to help you on your health journey.
Take a look below at the resources provided, and if you are looking for something that isn’t listed, contact us and we’ll see if we can find anything for you.

Live Captioning and Speech-to-Text Options
- Live Transcribe by Google
- Note: Live Transcribe is only available on Android O/S
- Live Transcribe for iOS
- Note: The iOS version of Live Transcribe is not associated with Google.
- Otter.ai
- Ava
If you have an Android device start with Live Transcribe by Google. You’ll basically have the app open on your mobile device and near the audio source (Tip: for improved captioning, you can plug an audio cable directly into the phone from the PC – cuts down on any background noise).
Otter.ai would be the next recommendation and their Basic plan is free. It’s good for 600 minutes of transcribing per month.
Be aware that Zoom is one of the few platforms that does not provide auto-captioning, so options are limited. It is often up to the host of the event to hire a third-party captioning provider (i.e. AI-Media).
An upcoming device is SpeakSee, which is a device that features a set of microphones and an app that translates speech into text for the deaf/hard of hearing community. They have just announced today a new feature called AutoCaption: https://speak-see.com/pages/products-speakseeautocaption, which will allow for captioning on various platforms (i.e. Zoom, Google Meet, etc.).
Lastly, here’s a good article summarizing the options available (many of which are covered above): https://www.hearinglikeme.com/speech-to-text-apps-for-the-deaf-community/. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Brandon Neighborhood Renewal Corporation
Resource Guide for Brandon including:
- AddictionServices
- Advocacy
- ClothingandThriftStore
- Counselling Services
- Private Counselling Services
- Crisis Services
- Cultural Services
- Drop-In Centers
- Employment & Educational Training
- Food Programs
- Health Services
- Housing and Emergency Shelter
- Interpretation
- Justice Services
- Legal Services
- Mental Health Services
- Mentor Programs
- Ministerial Services
- Outreach Services
- Police Services
- Self-Help & Consumer Groups
- Services for Children & Families
- Sexuality Education Support Group